With respect to water damage cause in the past couple of weeks, I can honestly say we have had almost nothing. Much of that success was due to some preventative steps I took. However, I was not quite vidulant about one small problem. It seems that we have a leakage problem that is not typical. Rather than water coming in from "above", we have one spot in the basement where water comes up from below, through the drain between the floor slab and the foundation/wall. If I do not periodically, i.e. once every 2-3 years, clean out the mud that accumulates from below, the drain field becomes clogged and some small amount of water seeps into the basement. Such was recently the case. So, to make things easier, I improved access into the affected area, which is located behind a partition. Now, in a mater of five minutes I can get to the spot and begin some preventative clean up. See the video.
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