Monday, June 13, 2011

Thinking like a weiner

You know it would be impossible for me not to comment on the latest erectile "dysfunction."  So, let me borrow a bit from Leonard Pitts's column in yesterday's The Baltimore Sun.

"Let's roll out the list.  It includes, in no particular order of sluttishness:  Kwame Kilpatrick; Jesse Jackson; James McGreevey; Ted Haggard; Gary Condit; Mark Sanford; John Edwards; Bill Clinton; Newt Gingrich; Rudy Giuliani; Eliot Spitzer; Antonia Villaraigosa; Arnold Schwarzenegger; James West; Larry Graig; David Vittner; John Ensign, And now Anthony Weiner, Democratic representative from New York."

If these individuals did not think that they were going to get caught, they were thinking with their weiners.  This kind of thinking lacks logic, something that is needed when people are in power.  I believe that there are far too many people available who could do their jobs who think with the brains.  Where are they when you need them?  We don't have time to mess around with this kind of stuff.


1 comment:

  1. My view on this entire subject is summarized by my questioning of my 14, 16, and 19year old boys. Even they, with their occasionally questionable pictures on Facebook, fart jokes, penis jokes and selection of comic material could understand WHY anyone, even a middle school dweeb would do this. I just can't image how anyone could be so in love with themselves and convinced of their own desirable nature and insulation from retribution that they would descend to 13 year old boy antics. The idea of professional "help" is ludicrous, unless it includes a reality check of his mortality. Please, as a health professional I have seen plenty of penises, and lets face it, they just are not the most attractive anatomical part of any male.
