Monday, May 23, 2011

Paint - another place for conservation

This weekend I painted an "accent wall" and it required 1.5 quarts of paint.  I had two choices - 2 quarts at $10 each or 1 gallon for $20.  Anyone want about 2.5 quarts of brown paint?  What stupidity!

I hereby vow to buy all of my future paint from the first company that produces paint in a logical, 2 quart container. Or, to the company that charges one-quarter of the price of a gallon, plus the cost of the can, for a quart.

If you are of like mind, "Like" this and circulate it.  Maybe, if there is enough of us, some company will see a niche here and stop this abuse or waste.


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Post it on FreeCycle! But I understand the problem. I must have more than a dozen of each of both gallons and quarts of left-over paint in the basement.... ("...never know when you might need it again..." ....and if you don't splash paint over the custom-color label, at least you know what color you painted it last time... that's if your organized enough to have labeled the can with the room you used it in! ;-)
    But, no kidding, try posting it on your local FreeCycle website; you'll be surprised what others can use!
