Friday, April 1, 2011

Win-Win Eruv

Which of the following is an 'eruv?'

(Don't know what one is? Click here and visit the Atheist Rabbi site.  Currently, there seems to be a dispute on Long Island over the installation of one in Westhampton Beach. Watch the linked video from the Daily Show and learn.)

Actually, the picture on the right with the blue sky is reported to be of an eruv in Jerusalem (from Wikipedia).  The picture on the left is taken at the marina where I kept a boat for several years.  Not much difference in construction.  At the marina, the little string in the sky has a very practical purpose.  It is not there to aid in the circumvention of religious rules, but is installed to keep the seagulls and their poop off of the piers.  I really think the Long Islanders should rethink their position.  It's a win-win for everybody and won't add to the tax burden of the residents!


1 comment:

  1. Of all the things in the world to worry about, I can't believe that a little fishing line would cause an uproar. It even has Jew pitted agains Jews. Imagine!
